

Library used to create tokens secures you against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), so against unauthorized executing of action.

Initializing a token

To be able to start using tokens for the Bootstrap.php file, you need to add the following to __construct

$this->session  = new \Dframe\Session(SESSION_NAME);
$this->token  = new \Dframe\Token($this->session);

Example usage:

if (!$this->baseClass->token->isValid('evidenceToken', (isset($_POST['token']) ? $_POST['token'] : null))) {
    return Response::renderJSON(['code' => 403, 'message' => 'The form has expired.'])->status(403);
$evidenceToken = $this->baseClass->token->generate('evidenceToken')->get('evidenceToken');

Smarty3 Plugin

 * Smarty plugin for Dframe\Token
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File:     function.token.php
 * Type:     function
 * Name:     token
 * Purpose:  outputs a token
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Instalation: 
 * Put file in to app/Libs/Plugins/smarty/function.token.php
 * Usage: {token name='userToken'}
function smarty_function_token($name){
    $token = new \Dframe\Token(new \Dframe\Session(APP_NAME));
    return $token->generate($name['name'])->get($name['name']);
Edit page (Token/overview)